Monday, November 19, 2007


"The word is LOVE."

I miss you dad. I miss the funny things you'd say and the funny faces you made. I miss holding your hand. I miss your long hugs. I miss your voice and the way you made me comfortable. I miss your singing. I miss your yelling. I miss it when you'd wake me up to take the dog for a walk. I miss coming home to you watching television. I miss staying up all night with you. I miss watching movies with you. I miss talking to you. I miss arguing with you. I miss going places with you. I miss taking care of you and cleaning up after you. I miss learning from you. I miss tucking you in when you were cold. I miss your advice, your love, and overall, I miss your laugh. You are/will be the best man that I have ever known. I was so lucky to have you for my father, even if it was only for seventeen years. I love you.

Nicholas "Nicky" Spero
July 16, 1962-October 13, 2007
My father and my best friend.



Seraph said...

Thanks for the "heartshredder"...I would hold you if I could, mi jita.

Chimera said...

The above comment was left by my husband. I found you about a week ago while browsing through bloggers who live in Phoenix. I told Seraph about you and how I saved your blogspot because you seemed like an interesting girl...You're beautiful...already perfect...and so strong. Though you are 17 and I am 30, I see you as an inspiration. I look forward to reading more...if you will have me. Blessings.